Monitoring section's aim is to provide a graphical view of the different services.
Several types of bitrates can be displayed:
Overall bitrate
is the pipe allocated for the services listed.
Net bitrate
is the sum of all services detected, including PSI/SI tables.
Obviously, net bitrate cannot be greater than overall bitrate.
Drag & Drop:
In addition to Overall and net bitrate, you can visualize the
instant bitrate of one or more services (TS streams) using the
Drag & Drop
function: Click on one of the services (“Programs” tab, “TS analysis” section), drag
this service until you reach the “Monitoring” window, and drop it. Instant bitrate will
appear. In case higher resolution is required (z-scale) for the dragged & dropped
service, just mask Overall bitrate and/or Net bitrate.
Masks instant bitrate graphical view
Indicates that associated bitrate stream is hidden.
Deletes associated TS stream previously added using the Drag&Drop function.
ETR290 is standardized guidelines issued by the DVB organization for
measurements in DVB systems. These guidelines are intended to provide an
exhaustive overview of elements that matter for the transmission of a stream. All
parameters tested in ETR290 are split over three priorities. First-level priority lists a
basic set of parameters which are considered necessary to ensure that the TS can
be decoded. Second-level priority lists additional parameters which are
recommended for continuous monitoring. And third-level priority lists further
optional parameters covering varied interests.
To start ETR290 monitoring on the stream received, click “Start Monitoring”. The
ETR290 analysis starts and is real-time based. As soon as an error is detected, the
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