Source container FQG60
General instructions on
radiation protection
When working with radioactive sources, any unnecessary exposure to radiation must be avoided.
Unavoidable exposure to radiation must be kept to as low a level as possible. Three important measures
help you to achieve this:
Ensure the screening between the radiation source and you and all other persons is as good as possible.
Source containers (e.g. FQG60, FQG61, FQG62, FQG63, FQG66) and all high-density materials (lead,
iron, concrete etc.), can be used for effective screening purposes.
Time spent in the exposed area should be kept to a minimum.
Keep at as large a distance as possible from the radiation source. The local dose rate of the radiation
decreases with the square of the distance from the radiation source.
Legal requirements for
radiation protection
Handling radioactive sources is legally controlled. The radiation protection regulations of the country
in which the plant is to be operated are to be strictly observed. For example, the valid radiation
protection requirements are applicable in Germany. The following important points derived from this
for radioactive measurement are:
Handling permit
A handling permit is required for operating a plant which uses gamma radiation. Application for the
permit must be made to the Land government or the authority responsible (Land Offices for
Environmental Protection, Trade Inspection Offices, etc.). The Hauser Sales Organization will
be pleased to help you to obtain the permit.
Radiation Safety Officer
The operator of the plant must nominate someone responsible for radiation protection who has the
necessary specialist knowledge and who is responsible for observing all radiation protection
regulations and procedures for radiation protection. Hauser offers training courses in which
the necessary specialist knowledge can be acquired.
Control area
Only persons exposed to radiation during the course of their job may sojourn in control areas (i.e. areas
where the local dose rate exceeds a specific value) provided they are subjected to official personnel dose
monitoring procedures. For the Federal Republic of Germany the limit values for the control area are
specified in the current radiation protection requirements.
The Hauser sales office will be pleased to provide further information of radiation protection
and regulations in other countries.
Supplementary Instructions
Observe the associated Instruction Manuals SD00292F/00 (for Canada) and SD00293F/00 (for the
This device contains more than 0.1% lead with CAS No. 7439-92-1.
The lead is not accessible in vessels that are free from damage. If the vessel is damaged, national
regulations surrounding the handling of lead must be observed.