ZEEnit 700 Q
Safety instructions
The sample chamber door (safety glass pane) must be closed and the flame super-
vised when it is burning. Ensure that the flame detector is working correctly.
For devices with hydride technique, only work with the sample chamber door (safe-
ty glass pane) closed.
The fuel gas pressure must not fall below 70 kPa to prevent the flame from firing
back. The integrated pressure sensor will automatically switch off the ZEEnit 700 Q
if this condition is not met. In addition to that, monitor the pressure on the pres-
sure gage of the gas supply.
Electromagnetic dispersion fields with flux densities of
T occur in the vicinity
of the sample chamber due to the unipolar Zeeman magnetic field with maximum
flux densities between 0.5 and 1.0 Tesla and also due to the heating of the graph-
ite tube.
When operating the ZEEnit 700 Q, people with pace makers are not permitted in
close range.
When using graphite furnace technique, do not look into the graphite furnace
opening without wearing protective goggles. Sputtering sample substances and hot
graphite particles may cause eye and face injuries.
High temperatures occur during flame and graphite furnace operation. Do not
touch hot parts such as the burner head or the graphite furnace during or immedi-
ately after a measurement. Observe the required cooling times.
Do not wear any metallic jewelry (especially around the neck) when working with
the ZEEnit 700 Q. Not observing this instruction may cause a short circuit in the
electrically heated furnace. In case of a short circuit, the jewelry may become very
hot and cause burns.
In Zeeman operation with magnetic field strengths of 1.0 Tesla, the sound level can
be as high as 75 dBA. If the nitrous-oxide-acetylene flame blows back into the mix-
ing chamber, the momentary sound level lies below 130 dBA.
Safety instructions relating to the formation of ozone and toxic vapors
The UV radiation of the hollow cathode lamps (HCL, D
-HCL) and the N
flame causes an interaction with the surrounding air to form toxic concentrations of
ozone exceeding the permissible limit. Furthermore, toxic byproducts may escape from
the samples or while the samples are processed.
Observe the following note:
The ZEEnit 700 Q may only be operated when the exhaust unit is activated.
Always keep the sample chamber closed when the flame is lit.
Safety instructions for compressed gas cylinders and systems
Observe the following notes:
The operating gases (argon, acetylene and nitrous oxide) are taken from com-
pressed gas containers or local compressed gas systems. The required purity of the
gases must be ensured.
Pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air must not be used as an oxidant when using
flame technique. There is a risk of explosion.