- 23 -
Lightly lubricate the bush attaching portion of the spindle and the inside surface of the bush with
grease (IDEMITSU, DAPHNE EPONEX GREASE SR No.1 or equivalents).
Place the notch key and notch springs into the slot of the spindle and attach the bush with the
non-circular hole to the spindle.
Take care as the assembling direction of the notch key depends on the winding direction of the reel.
Refer to Figure 23 (page 21).
The machined end of the bush should face upward.
Install the spring into the drum.
1) Before installation, check the assembling direction which depends on the winding direction of the
reel. Refer to Figure 25 (page 22).
2) Slightly move the band upward in order to make the removal easy.
Refer to Figure 24 (page 21).
Never m ove t he ba nd t oo m uch.
If m oved t oo m uch, t he ban d w i l l com e of f and t h e spri ng w i l l exp and e xpl osi vel y,
causi ng pers onal i nj u ry.
3) Place the spring into the drum.
Fit the center edge of the spring into the slit of the bush by hammering.
Put a steel plate or the like to protect the spring when hammering.
4) Place the outer edge of the spring on the spring fixing portion of the drum.
Refer to 25 (page 22).
5) Insert a screw driver into the space between the band and the spring as
shown in Figure 26 (page 22), then remove the band.
Take care not t o cat c h your f i nger i n t he s pri ng si nce t h e spri n g w i ll expa nd
expl osi vel y w hen t he band i s rem o ved.
6) Lubricate the spring with 22 cm
(mL) of grease (KYODO, ONELUBER MP No.2 or equivalents).
Spread grease all over the spring.
Install the empty spring case in to the drum.
Lightly lubricate the inside surface of the bush with grease (IDEMITSU, DAPHNE EPONEX
GREASE SR No.1 or equivalents) and install the bush into the drum.
The machined end of the bush should face upward.
Follow the procedure given in Section 13-3. "Common reassembly method" (page 27).