Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Tab
NOTE: Most of the data filled here will be supplied by your Internet Service Provider. Call
your ISP if you’re in doubt.
Login / Password:
Enter the PPPoE username and password assigned by your ISP or
internet service provider.
Service Name:
This is optional.
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU):
This is the maximum size of the packets.
Keep Connection
- will stay connected to the Internet
Automatic Connection -
automatically connects to the Internet when an application
needs it, and drops the connection after the designated idle time period.
Manual Connection
– manually connect and disconnect to the internet by the user
Idle Timeout (available only under Automatic Connection):
This is a maximum period
of time for which the Internet connection is maintained during inactivity. If the application is
inactive for certain time designated here the internet connection will be automatically