VLAN Egress [<portlist>] [untagged|tagged]
Set or show the VLAN egress mode setting for the port. Egress untagged
ports will strip the VLAN tag from received frames.
Egress tagged ports will not strip the tag from received frames
[<portlist>]: Port list (default: All ports).
[tagged|untagged]: (default: Show egress tag setting).
VLAN PVID [<portlist>] [<vid>|none]
Set or show the port VLAN ID. Untagged frames received on the port will be
classified to this VLAN ID. Frames classified to this VLAN ID will be sent
untagged on the port.
[<portlist>]: Port list (default: All ports).
[<vid>|none]: Port VLAN ID, 1-4094 (default: Show PVID).
The 'none' option can be used for trunk links.
VLAN OnlyTag [<portlist>] [enable|disable]
Set or show the onlytag setting of this port.
[<portlist>]: Port list (default: All ports).
[enable|disable]: Only accept tagged frame or not (default: Show disable).