Users’ Manual
EAN-26MH Horizontal inclinometer system
Keep at least 50 mm length of casing protruding outside the sidewall of the raft / base slab / any
horizontal surface. The length shall be sufficient to put a surveying mast while determining the
elevation of casing. The casing ends should be filed to give a neat finish after cutting with
hacksaw up to the required length.
If installed in the trench, backfill the remainder of the horizontal borehole with finely graded
material or select fill. Compact by hand.
Mark inclinometer identifications and direction of major groove set where the probe shall be
inserted near the casing end at the sidewall. Use paint or permanent marker for this purpose.
After installation check
Check installed access tubing by dummy probe before inserting inclinometer probe.
Ensure to place end caps and protective fencing with safety sign board after installation of
access tubing.