Meetinghouse Audio/Video Distribution Hub User Guide rev 0.9a February 2013
please use one of the Test modes if you are just testing – this is only used for reporting
Click on the URL to copy it, and then paste it into an email and send to the receiving sites.
Click Start Webcast. Call the receiving sites and ensure that video and audio streams are
Please refer to the steps and hints in the previous section.
For further help with Meetinghouse Webcast Software, go to:
Transmitting a webcast using a laptop PC with Meetinghouse Webcast Software (AVDH-1 only)
Follow the connections in the diagram below.
Setup steps & important tips:
*Important note:
because of the problems many users have experienced with USB video/audio capture
devices, this scenario is the
last-choice recommendation
. The best choices are the Meetinghouse Webcast
Communicator or a desktop PC with the Osprey card and Meetinghouse Webcast Software. Of the USB capture
devices available on the market, the Roxio has performed the best, but still may not be a fully-reliable solution.