Page 19
Series 2000/3000 IDU User’s Manual
Revision P4
Table 2.4 Queue Table Entry Parameters
When you have finished modifying these parameters, click Save This Queue Table
Entry. This opens the Superuser Menu Result page, enabling you to reboot the IDU and
implement the modifications (see
Appendix B
2.4.2 Step 2. Applying Filter Patterns
Once queues have been created in the queue table, filter patterns must be defined and
applied in order to direct certain types of IP traffic into each queue. One filter pattern
should be defined for each queue. Filter patterns can also be used to block data from being
transmitted over the satellite network.
Note: To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended to configure a filter pattern
for the OAM IP address of the IDU. This filter pattern would point to a
queue with a VCC source set to TIM.
Filter patterns are defined in a filter pattern table, where each entry in the table corre-
sponds to a filter pattern.
To view which filter patterns have already been defined, go to the Filter Pattern Table
Configuration section of the Queue Management page. To view the properties of a filter
pattern (table entry), click on an entry in the Filter Pattern Table Configuration drop-
down box and review the fields below the box. To delete a filter pattern, click on the entry
in the drop-down box, then click Delete This Filter Pattern Table Entry.
By default, there is a single filter pattern table entry. To add a new filter pattern table entry,
click Create a new Filter Pattern Table Entry. This takes you to the Menu Result page,
which displays the entry number of the filter pattern you have just created. Next, return to
the Queue Management page, and be sure to refresh the display to see the new queue table
entry just created (to do this, click the Refresh button in your browser).
Once a filter pattern table entry has been created, you must define properties for the filter
pattern. In general, you will want to filter traffic based on the source and/or destination IP
addresses of the traffic. This is done by specifying the following IP addresses of the traf-
• Source IP address
• Source IP netmask
• Destination IP address
• Destination IP netmask
IPSec enable flag
If this flag is enabled, the IDU will encrypt traffic in the queue
using IPSec.
IPSec - server table entry
This number points to an IPSEC server entry configured in the
IPSec server configuration. See
section 4.2
Queue status
"Not in Service" indicates that the queue has been disabled.
"Active" means that the queue is operational.
Table 4: