The switch on the backpanel must be in the correct position to match the sample-
rate of the incoming data-stream. The two positions are: 44/1/88.2/176 and
96/192. Optionally, the second position can be 48/96/192.
1.3.3. Mode 2:
For Mode 2, the source device must have a Slave-Clock input. This can be
added to
Tascam US-144
, and other devices. The
customer must order a modification to add the Slave-Clock input to their source
device. Once this Slave-Clock input is added, the device will not operate without
the Pace-Car USB attached. A master/slave-clock cable is connected between
the Pace-Car USB and the source device. This must be purchased separately.
The customer must provide an inexpensive data cable from the source device to
Pace-Car USB and a high-quality cable from the Pace-Car USB to the DAC.
These cables route the digital data in and out of the Pace-Car USB.
Very Important
In Mode 2, the Pace-Car USB must be powered-on first and the master/
slave-clock cable connected and then power-on the source device
The switch on the backpanel must be in the correct position to match the sample-
rate of the incoming data-stream. The two positions are: 44/1/88.2/176 and
96/192. Optionally, the second position can be 48/96/192.
1.3.4. Mode 3:
For Mode 3, the Pace-Car 2 is tuned to the source computer or stock device and
tracks the rate of the incoming digital stream. Such devices include:
Mac Mini
AirPort Express
Wadia iTransport
Apple TV
. The
customer must ship the source device to Empirical Audio so that we can tune the
Pace-Car USB. This requires one day. No mods are required to the source
device. An adapter Toslink cable is included for most devices. There is an
additional cost for tuning and only Superclock4 can be used. With a tuned
Superclock4, the Pace-Car USB can still be used all other Modes, but may be
limited in Sample-Rate. The only cable that must be high-quality is the one used
from the Pace-Car to the DAC. The customer must provide an inexpensive data
cable from the source device to Pace-Car USB and a high-quality cable from the
Pace-Car USB to the DAC. These cables route the digital data in and out of the
Pace-Car USB.
The switch on the backpanel must be in the correct position to match the sample-
rate of the incoming data-stream. The two positions are: 44/1/88.2/176 and
96/192. Optionally, the second position can be 48/96/192.