Empire Abrasive Equipment Company
Thus, you can determine the amount of media in the vessel in either of two ways: (1)
note how much continuous blast time you can achieve with a fully charged vessel and
compare this with your current continuous blast time; or (2) stop blasting, open the
reclaimer door, and visually determine the media level by looking into the top of the
Figure 11. After Blasting
Overfilling pressure vessels will cause improper operation and premature wear. Allow
sufficient time after blasting for the pressure vessel to refill (2 minutes). When the
pressure vessel is filled, check to see if any media has remained in the storage hopper,
indicating that the vessel is overfilled, the sealing plunger may not seat tightly when
you start blasting.
See section
5.3 Storage or Temporary Non-Use
for instructions on how to empty the
pressure vessel.
Refer to section
2.1 Loading
for instructions to add media.
Figure 12. Pressure Vessel Overfilled
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