Unplug the Advanced UV from the electrical source
before removing the lid of the Savio skimmer or you risk possible
injury due to ultraviolet light exposure). Once the Advanced UV is
unplugged, remove the Savio Skimmer’s lid. Unscrew the UV’s
mounting screws and gently remove the unit from the skimmer
box. Then unscrew the white retaining nut from the connection
assembly, this will remove the Retaining Assembly and the Quartz
Sleeve (in one piece) from the Connection Assembly. Unplug the
used Lamp from the Connection Assembly’s 4 pin Lamp
Connector. Securely attach the new Lamp to the Lamp Connector
and follow these steps in reverse.
Follow the steps in section 6.2 above, but replace the existing gasket
with a new one. Pay close attention to the edge of the gasket as
described above and shown in
Diagram 6-1
. This Quartz Sleeve
Gasket should be replaced at least once annually.
This action will separate the retaining assembly’s three parts as
shown in
Photo 6A
. Remove these parts from the old quartz sleeve
and place them on the new sleeve in the exact order shown in
Photo 6A
. Place the gasket approximately three quarters of an inch
(3/4”) from the top (open end) of the quartz sleeve
(Note: If quartz
sleeve gasket is older then 1 - year, replace it)
. Make sure the outer
edge of the gasket is flat as shown in
Diagram 6-1
. “Sandwich” the
gasket with the Retaining Nut and Inner seal Module as shown in
Photo 6A
. Squeeze these parts together. You should feel and hear
the Inner Seal Module hook into place. Now the retaining assembly
is complete. The top of the quartz sleeve should be slightly below
the level of the Retaining Assembly as shown in
Photo 6B
may adjust the Retaining Assembly’s position on the Quartz Sleeve
by gently applying pressure up or down). Bring the Quartz sleeve
up over the lamp and screw the Retaining Assembly onto the
Connection Assembly. Be careful not to skew the threads as you
turn. You will feel resistance but continue to turn until the Retaining
Assembly mates flush with the Connection Assembly. To reinstall
the Advanced UV into your Savio Skimmer follow the first steps of
6.2 in reverse.
Diagram 6-1
inner seal
retaining nut
retaining assembly
(inside out)
Improper Assembly May Result In Electrical Component Water Damage
Emperor Aquatics, Inc. is not responsible for improper assembly of these parts.
Follow these steps precisely.
Unplug the Advanced UV from the electrical source before removing the lid of the Savio skimmer or you risk
possible injury due to ultraviolet light exposure).
Once the Advanced UV is unplugged, remove the Savio Skimmer’s lid. Unscrew the UV’s mounting screws and gently remove
the unit from the skimmer box. Then unscrew the white retaining nut from the connection assembly, this will remove the retaining
assembly and the quartz sleeve (in one piece) from the connection assembly. Lightly hold the quartz sleeve in one hand and the
retaining nut in the other hand. Gently twist the retaining nut while pulling down towards your hand holding the quartz sleeve.