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P a g e
Note: If the bike is
turned on using the
remote start, it can
only be turned off
using the „unlock‟
button on the
This button unlocks the
bike. It cancels all the
functions of the ‘lock’
button. (Alarm
sounding, back wheel
lock) It also turns the
bike off when the
remote start is activated.
This button locks the
bike. When the bike is
locked, any physical
movement or vibrations
to the bike will cause
the alarm to sound. If
the back wheel is
moved when the bike is
locked, the back wheel
will lock up and the
alarm will sound loudly.
When this button is
clicked, the bell
sounds. (Similar sound
to the alarm) This
button is useful for
locating your bike.
Remote Start
This button turns on
your bike, without the
use of the key, when it
is clicked twice in
succession. This is
equivalent to putting the
key in the ignition and
turning it on. (This does
not open any
compartments that
requires the key)