If no operation is performed in Programming mode for 20 seconds, device turns to
main operation screen automatically.
Alarm On Delay Time Parameter ( Default = 0)
It can be adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
Alarm Off Delay Time Parameter ( Default = 0)
It can be adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
When this parameter is 99, if increment button is pressed,
is observed
and alarm latching output is selected. To make the alarm latching output passive,
decrement button must be pressed in main operation screen.
Alarm Delay Parameter After Power On ( Default = 0)
This parameter defines the delay for the alarm is being active after power on.
It can be adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
Programming Mode Acessing Password ( Default = 0)
Password for entering to the programming mode is defined with this parameter.
It can be adjusted from 0 to 9999. If it is 0, programming mode is accessed
without entering password.
Alarm Operation type Selection Parameter ( Default = 0 )
The unit starts to control the alarm output, when the power on.
The unit starts to control the alarm output at the end of the
Parameter value.
After the power on and if alarm condition does not seem any more, the
unit starts to control the alarm output.
Alarm Set Value Parameter ( Default = 1000)
Alarm output controlled by this parameter. If the
parameter is adjusted 1
or 2, then Alarm Set Value can be adjusted from Alarm Set Value Low Limit
to Alarm Set Value Up Limit
. If the
parameter is adjusted 3, 4, 5 or 6
then Alarm Set Value can be adjusted from 0 to Alarm Set Value Up Limit
Decimal Point Position Parameter ( Default = 0 )
Decimal Point Position is determined by this parameter.
It can be adjusted from 0 to 3.
No point “0”
Between first and second digits “0.0”
Between second and third digits “0.00”
Between third and fourth digits “0.000”
If the process is not exist Alarm output, then
Parameters is not shown.