1592021021 XC1008-1011-1015D GB A5 r.1.5A 12.10.2009 XC1008-1011-1015D 38/66
FAN2 =
output for inverter fans – circuit 2 (only some fans driven by inverter, others enabled by
not used
not used
nu =
not used
Reference probe for analogue output 2,
it’s used only when 2Q1 = FREE
= Suction Probe, circuit 1 (term. 62-63 or 62 -68)
Suction Probe, circuit 2 (term. 64-63 or 64 -68)
Adjustment of read out for the analog output 2
at 4mA/0V
(-1.00÷100.00 bar; -15÷750PSI; -
50÷150°C; -58÷302°F; -100÷10000 KPA). It’s used only when 2Q1 = FREE
Adjustment of read out for the analog output 2
at 20mA/10V
(-1.00÷100.00 bar; -15÷750PSI; -
50÷150°C; -58÷302°F; -100÷10000 KPA). It’s used only when 2Q1 = FREE
Minimum value for analogue output 2
(0 ÷ 100%)
Analog output 2 value after compressor start
(2Q5 ÷ 100 %) It’s the value of the analogue output
after a compressor has started, when the pressure/temperature is above the regulation band.
– Used
during inverter regulation
Analog output 2 value after compressor is switched off
(2Q5 ÷ 100 %) It’s the value of the
analogue output when a compressor has been switched off and the the pressure/temperature is
below the regulation band.
– Used during inverter regulation
Exclusion band start value for analog output 2
(2Q5 ÷ 100 %): it allows to exclude a range of
frequencies that could create problems to the compressor.
– Used during inverter regulation
Exclusion band end value for analog output 2
(2Q8 ÷ 100 %)
– Used during inverter regulation
Safety value for analog output 2
(0 ÷ 100 %): it’s used in case of probe faulty.
Delay between the entrance in the regulation band and the regulation activation
(0 ÷ 255sec):
it’s the delay between the entrance in the regulation band of pressure/temperature and the regulation
start. Used to avoid false inverter starts dued to pressure variations.
– Used during inverter
Analog output 2 rise time
(0 ÷ 255 sec) It’s the time necessary to the analog output to pass from
the 1Q6 to 100%, when a compressor has started and the pressure/temperature is above the
regulation band.
– Used during inverter regulation.
Analog output 2 permanency before load activation
(0 ÷ 255 sec): the analog output remains at
100% value for this time before a load is activated.
- Used during inverter regulation
Delay between pressure (temperature) goes down the set point and start of analog output 2
– Used during inverter regulation
Analog output decreasing time
(0 ÷ 255sec) It’s the time taken from the analog output to pass from
the 100% to the 2Q5 value. It’s used during the switching off phase, when the pressure is below the
set point.
Analog output 2 permanency at 2Q5 value before a load is switched off
(0 ÷ 255sec) When the
pressure (temperature) is below the set point, the analog output 2 remains at 2Q5 value before a
load is switched off.
Analog output 2 decreasing time when a load is switched on
(0 ÷ 255sec) It’s the time necessary
to the analog output to pass from 100% to 2Q6 when a load is switched on.
Regulation band
(0.10÷25.00bar; 0.0÷25.0°C; 1÷250 PSI; 1÷250°F;10÷2500 KPA). It is the band
with the proportional action. It replaces CP1 for the inverter regulation. It is add to the set point. The
proportional action starts when the temperature/pressure value is higher than the set point and it
reaches the 100% when the pressure/temperature is equal or higher than set + 2Q18.
Integral time
(0÷999s; with 0 integral action excluded). It sets the pound of the proportional action.
The higher is 1Q20, the lower is the integral action support.
Band offset
(-12.0÷12.0°C -12.00 ÷ 12.00BAR, -120÷120°F, -120÷120PSI; -1200÷1200KPA). Used
to move the regulation band across to the set point.
Integral action limitation
(0.0÷99.0 °C; 0÷180°F; 0.00÷50,00bar; 0÷725PSI; 0÷5000kPA) to stop the
increasing of integral action when the pressure reaches the SET + 1Q22 value.
Minimum inverter capacity with poor lubrication
(0÷99%; with 0 function excluded)
If the
frequency compressor works for the 1Q25 time with a frequency (in percentage) equal or lower than
2Q23, it is forsed to work at 100% for the 2Q25 time in order to make the right lubrication.
Maximum inverter functioning time at a lower frequency than 2Q24, before working at 100%
Time of Inverter al 100% to restore the right lubrication