Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
PBC-01102001 Rev. A
January 2001
Section 5: Disassembly of the Poppet Block
Disassembly of the Poppet Block
Turn off power gas, bleed off gas volume in power storage tank if so equipped, depress
manual poppet - activating stem to vent any entrapped pressures.
Isolate and disarm control. Assure availability of spare O-rings and poppets.
Power Poppet Removal:
Loosen poppet caps (2), remove springs (22) and power poppets (8).
(See reconditioning and assembly section for reinstallation).
Exhaust Poppet Removal:
Disassemble the manual lever assembly by removing bolts (30) and
bracket (29).
Loosen stem caps (6), remove stem assembly (7) and pilot pistons (10).
Pilot pistons (10) can be removed by threading one of the hex bolts (30) into the back of
the piston (10). Remove exhaust poppets and pins (8) and (9).
Power Strainer Removal:
Piston cap (3) (on top of block), remove strainer seal (13) and strainer
screen (11).
Pilot Strainer Removal:
Removal hex cap (3) on right side of poppet block. Remove strainer seal
(13) and strainer screen (12).