Instruction Manual
3710 and 3720 Positioners
September 2017
If the proper mounting holes are present, perform the following mounting procedure and then follow the calibration
procedures in this instruction manual. Refer to the appropriate instruction manuals for actuator and valve mounting
Avoid personal injury from sudden release of process pressure. Before mounting the 3720 electro‐pneumatic positioner or
3722 electro‐pneumatic converter:
Wear protective eyewear, gloves and clothing whenever possible.
Do not remove the actuator from the valve while the valve is still pressurized.
Disconnect any operating lines providing air pressure, electric power, or a control signal to the actuator. Be sure the
actuator cannot suddenly open or close the valve.
Use bypass valves or completely shut off the process to isolate the valve from process pressure. Relieve process pressure
on both sides of the valve.
Vent the power actuator loading pressure and relieve any actuator spring precompression.
Use lock‐out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment.
When installing a positioner or converter in a hazardous area, turn off control signals until installation is complete. Be
sure all safety barriers, connections, and the converter housing cap and O‐ring are properly installed before supplying a
control signal to the unit.
Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process
The positioner can provide full supply pressure to any connected equipment. To avoid personal injury and equipment
damage, make sure supply pressure never exceeds the maximum safe working pressure of any connected equipment.
The positioner mounts directly to the actuator cover plate of several Fisher actuators. See table 4. To directly mount the positioner
to an existing Fisher actuator, you must use an actuator cover plate with three positioner mounting holes and the 5/8‐inch purge
option knockout plug.
See the parts list for the specific actuator cover plate required above to integrally mount the positioner.
See figures 4 and 33 for positioner mounting drawings.
To mount the positioner to an actuator with an existing Fisher 3610 positioner, remove the 3610 positioner and replace it with an
appropriate metal cover plate and four cap screws. For assistance, contact your
or Local Business Partner.