User Manual
Chapter 1
Oct 2019
One RX3i CPU with Four ECM850s on Separate Networks
This example shows a system with one RX3i CPU node containing the maximum of four
ECM850s, with each ECM850 connected to a different network. In this architecture, up to
128 IEDs are allowed, spread across the four networks. Up to 32 IEDs can be controlled by
an ECM850.
Note that multiple ECM850s in the same rack are not synchronized to ensure that all
ECM850s are guaranteed to power up at the same time. ECM850 configuration differences
(SFPs, etc.) can cause variations in ECM850 power up times.
Figure 9
Two RX3i CPUs, Two IEC 61850 Networks, and One
Supervisory Network
The example on this page shows two RX3i CPU nodes, each with one ECM850 and one RX3i
Ethernet Transmitter Module (ETM). The ECM850s are connected to separate networks
(LAN1 and LAN 2 in the illustration). Network A and Network B are used for IEC 61850 traffic.
The RX3i Ethernet Transmitter Modules are connected to the Supervisory Network.
PACSystems Machine Edition, HMI and Historian use this network to configure and monitor
the application. The Supervisory Network is also used for inter-node communication using
protocols such as Ethernet Global Data (EGD), Service Request Transport Protocol (SRTP),
and Modbus/TCP. The three separate networks do not compete for network bandwidth or
interfere with one another.