SerieS HSJ Safety valveS
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
1 introduCtion
Crosby Series HSJ safety valves have been
selected because of their performance features,
reliability and ease of maintenance. adherence
to the installation and maintenance procedures
specified herein will provide the utmost in safety, a
minimum of maintenance and a long service life.
Crosby Series HSJ safety valves are manufactured
in accordance with the requirements of Section 1,
Power Boilers, and Section viii, unfired Pressure
vessels, of the aSMe Boiler and Pressure vessel
The valve should never be lifted or handled using
the lifting lever.
To have trouble-free performance be sure to
clean the inlets and outlets of valves thoroughly
before installing. All dirt, sediment and scale in
the protected vessel and piping must be removed
completely before installation (foreign material
entering the valve may cause seat leakage,
plugging and valve malfunction).
fixed support anchored to building structure
recommended minimum diameter -
½” larger than valve inlet
* refer to aSMe boiler code section 1, pg-71.2
** allow sufficient space to prevent bottoming or side binding of the drip
pan to the discharge pipe under maximum conditions of expansion
Boiler drum
See note **
rounded smooth length
Wire and
Discharge pipe
Drip pan
2 storage and handling
Often, valves are on hand at the job site months
before they are installed. unless stored and
protected properly, valve performance may be
affected adversely.
rough handling and dirt may damage or
cause misalignment of the valve parts. it is
recommended that the valves be left in their
original shipping containers and that they be
stored in a warehouse or at a minimum on a
dry surface with a protective covering until they
are used.
fiGure 2
Seal wire
ring positions
stamped here