SerieS HSJ Safety valveS
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
spare parts
emerson recommends spare parts as shown
on the outline drawing figure 1. When ordering
spare parts, the valve size, style and assembly
number and/or serial number should be
given together with set pressure, part name,
and reference number from figure 1. the
valve assembly number is shown on the valve
nameplate as 'Shop No'. Spare parts may be
ordered from any emerson regional sales office
or representative.
emerson field serviCe and repair
field service
emerson field service provides on-site, in
line testing and repair capability for all types
of pressure relief devices. it is strongly
recommended that on new installations, a
emerson service engineer be present for
assembly and testing of safety valves.
emerson will help you establish the right mix
of on-site spares with our own distribution and
manufacturing support.
emerson offers intensive factory or on-site
training seminars to improve maintenance
and application skills.
The safety of lives and property often depends
on the proper operation of the safety valves.
Consequently, the valves should be kept clean and
should be tested periodically and reconditioned to
make sure they function properly.
serviCe reCords
Service records should be completed before
a valve is returned to service. these records
are important and will provide guidance on
establishing time intervals between repairs as
well as providing the historical record of repairs
and service conditions. Well kept records will
be useful in predicting when to retire a valve
and which spare parts should be maintained in
inventory to ensure uninterrupted plant operation.
emerson has the capability to evaluate safety
valve operability either in the field or at various
emerson facilities. Special qualification
programs may also be conducted in our
Contract management
emerson will combine a group of services to
satisfy your special maintenance needs.
emerson’ full-spectrum service
• valve repair
• field service
• replacements parts
• Contract management
• training
• testing
• Contract
engineering Doc. #iS-v3146
© 2017 emerson. all rights reserved.
vCiom-01062-en 17/12
Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood