Application Guide
Models ZB95KQ/E and ZB114KQ/E with motor protection code “
” use
a combination of sensors and an electronic module (INT69SU) for motor
protection. For the INT69SU, there are four PTC (positive temperature
coefficient) internal thermisters connected in series that react with
avalanche resistance in the event of high temperatures. All four are used
to sense motor temperature. The thermister circuit is connected to the
protector module terminals S1 and S2. When any thermister reaches a
limiting value, the module interrupts the control circuit and shuts off the
compressor. After the thermister has cooled sufficiently, the resistance
will decrease, thus allowing the module to reset. However, the module
has a 30-minute time delay before reset after a thermister trip. If the
INT69SU module is applied in conjunction with a Programmable Logic
Controller, it is important that a minimum load is carried through the
M1-M2 control circuit contacts. The minimum required current through
the module relay contacts needs to be greater than 100 milliamps but
not to exceed 5 amps. If this minimum current is not maintained, this has
a detrimental effect upon the long-term contact resistance of the relay
and may result in false compressor trips. PLC operated control circuits may
not always provide this minimum current. In these cases modifications to
the PLC control circuit are required. Consult your application engineering
department for details.
3. Compressor Information
3.1 Fusite (Terminal)
Fusite (Terminal) pin orientation for single-phase and three phase
refrigeration scroll compressors are shown in
Figure 1
and inside the
terminal box.
3.2 Rotation Direction of Three Phase Scroll Compressors
Scroll compressors will only compress in one rotational direction.
Direction of rotation is not an issue with single phase compressors since
they will always start and run in the proper direction. Three phase
compressors will rotate in either direction depending upon phasing of
the power. Since there is a 50-50 chance of connecting power in such a
way as to cause rotation in the reverse direction, it is important to include
notices and instructions in appropriate locations on the equipment to
ensure proper rotation direction when the system is installed and
operated. Verification of proper rotation direction is made by observing
that suction pressure drops and discharge pressure rises when the
compressor is energized. Reverse rotation of a scroll compressor also
results in substantially reduced current draw compared to specification
sheet values. Suction temperature will be high, discharge temperature
will be low and the compressor may be abnormally noisy There is no
negative impact on durability caused by operating three phase Copeland
Scroll compressors in the reversed direction for a short period of time
(under one hour), In models ZB58 - ZB114 oil may be lost. This oil loss
can be prevented during reverse rotation if the suction tubing is routed
at least six inches (15 cm) above the compressor. After several minutes of
operation in reverse, the compressor's motor protection system will trip the
compressor off. If allowed to repeatedly restart and run in reverse without
correcting the situation, the compressor will be permanently damaged.
All three phase scroll compressors are identically wired internally. As a
result, once the correct phasing is determined for a specific system or
installation, connecting properly phased power leads to the same
terminals will maintain proper rotation direction.
Motor Terminal (Fusite) Connections for
Single Phase and Three Phase Scrolls
Figure 1