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Product Overview

June 26, 2007 - Page






Explosion-proof Flow Computer Integrates 
Automation and Measurement

Remote Automation Solutions


For users who expect more from their flow comput


ers than simply chart replacement functionality, 
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC, from Emerson Process 
Management, comes through with synergy of automa-
tion and measurement.  Now, you can install a single 
instrument without the hassles you face when you try 
to use separate equipment for automation and mea-
surement operations at remote sites.

The ControlWave XFC package features the following:

ControlWave family platform that is pre-pro-

grammed to meet API 2. requirements for a 

two-run metering and regulating station

High performance, smart multivariable transducer 

assembly is a separate component that can be re-

moved and replaced independently of the electron-

ics platform

Optional, pre-installed RTD assembly

Extremely low power consumption keeps power 

systems costs under control

Open communication with 3 serial ports stan-

dard—includes modem/radio control and RS 485 

BSAP/Modbus for external, single- or multi-variable 

transmitters such as the Bristol Babcock 3808 MVT

I/O complements with up to 3 AI, 1 AO, 2 DI, 2 

High-speed Counter Inputs and 4 DO interface with 

external, process equipment

Unlike a flow computer, ControlWave XFC employs 
a hardware/firmware platform that readily handles 

automation tasks:

Ample processing horsepower and memory 

subsystem means that users need not worry about 

running out of resources for demanding applica-


ControlWave XFC provides automation and flow 

computing in a compact, transmitter-style hous-

ing that is quickly installed and started-up.

Multitasking kernel securely manages multiple 

automation, communication and measurement 


For users wishing to write their own programs, or 

modify ours, we offer a complete, IEC 63-3 

programming environment and full support from 

Emerson Process management is available, every 

step of the way.

After more than 90 years in process control and 5 
years in measurement, Emerson remains committed to 
delivering superior life cycle economics to automation 
and measurement systems, today and tomorrow.  We 
are proud to offer ControlWave XFC, a product that 
stands up to the tradition.
