5. To adjust valve settings higher than minimum,
use the weights included with the shipment to
increase the pressure setting. Weights are packed
separately within the unit shipping package and are
labeled “PRESSURE” and/or “VACUUM”. If weights
are shipped with the unit, they should be installed
onto the pallets in the valve chamber in which they
are labeled. Gently slide the weights onto the pallet
stem and down on top of the valve pallet.
6. Replace any lid, hood or guide that was previously
removed, and fasten securely. When tightening
down lids, make sure the O-ring in the lid has full
contact with the sealing surface.
Attach the valve to the appropriate mating flange
using proper gasket. To ensure proper function,
install the valve to a level horizontal surface so the
pallet will move vertically. Units that are tilted during
usage may suffer premature damage or wear.
For more details on using weights to adjust the pallet
setting, refer to the Weight Information section.
Before using your new Fisher™ pressure/
vacuum relief valve, make sure that your
valve is properly set for the appropriate
pressure and vacuum settings. Early or
delayed relief could be dangerous and/or
expensive depending on the application.
Spring–loaded valves are set at the
factory. Additional adjustment should not
be required and is not recommended.
Enardo 860 and 960 Series
Outside North
America Only