V250 Valve
Instruction Manual
Form 5206
April 2004
Figure 8. Index Marks on Drive Shaft and Ball
11. With the ball firmly supported, remove the drive
shaft (key 6) and attached parts out of the valve.
Attached parts will include the spacer (key 22), the
bushing spacer shims (key 18), the bushing (key
20), the thrust washer (key 19), and the thrust
spacer (key 21).
12. While maintaining firm support of the ball (key
2), proceed as follows:
First, remove the ball support post through the
follower shaft bore of the valve.
Then, while being careful not to damage the
sealing surfaces of the ball, remove the ball through
the outlet end of the valve.
13. Inspect and, if necessary, replace all parts.
Then, proceed to the assembly procedure below.
1. Position the ball (key 2) so that it is firmly
supported inside the valve (key 1). Insert a ball
support post (see figure 7) into the follower shaft
(key 7) bore of the valve. Position the ball support
post so that the ball will be supported firmly inside
the valve body cavity while performing steps 2
through 5.
Damage to the valve assembly and
downstream equipment could occur if
the shaft retainer (key 25) should
become disengaged from the drive
shaft (key 6) during operation of a
Design V250 control valve assembly.
To prevent such damage, make sure
that the internal threads in the Polygon
coupling end of the drive shaft and the
external threads of the shaft retainer
are cleaned thoroughly before
applying Loctite Primer N or T and
Loctite No. 271 or equivalent sealant
(key 30) as described in step 5 of this
assembly procedure.
2. Insert the drive shaft (key 6) into the drive shaft
side of the valve and ball assembly. When inserting
the drive shaft, make sure that the index mark on the
Polygon coupling end of the drive shaft is aligned
with the index mark on the hub of the ball. Refer to
figure 8 for the location of these index marks.
3. Install the thrust spacer (key 21) into the drive
shaft side of the valve and position it so that it is in
contact with the ball hub. Then, install the thrust
washer (key 19) and the bushing (key 20).