1051 & 1052 H & J
Instruction Manual
Form 5587
November 2006
to the lower threads of the adjustor, do
not overlap the coat of lubricant with
the coat of thread-locking compound
since this will adversely affect the
performance quality of both
For actuator designs
with a set screw
(key 75), if the adjustor (key 74) and attached parts
were removed, lubricate the threads of the adjustor
with lithium grease (key 76). Install the lower bearing
seat (key 73), the thrust bearing (key 71), the thrust
bearing races (key 72), and the spring seat (key 13)
onto the adjustor. Install this assembly into the
spring barrel (key 12). After first cleaning and then
coating the set screw (key 75) with thread-locking
adhesive (high strength) (key 77), secure the
adjustor with the set screw (key 75).
b. Coat the tapered end of the diaphragm rod
(key 10) and the threads of the cap screw (key 9)
with lithium grease (key 76). Bolt the diaphragm
plate (key 4) to the diaphragm rod with the cap
screw (key 9). Tighten the cap screw to the
torque value listed in table 10.
c. Be certain the travel stops (key 8) are located
as shown in figure 11.
d. Install the spring (key 11) into the spring
barrel. Install the diaphragm plate and diaphragm
rod into the actuator. Attach the hex nut (key 58),
turnbuckle (key 57), hex nut (key 16), and rod
end bearing (key 17) to the diaphragm rod.
e. Install the diaphragm (key 3).
f. Place the upper diaphragm casing (key 1) on
the lower diaphragm casing (key 2). If necessary,
rotate the lower bearing seat (key 73) so that the
upper diaphragm casing travel stop will not
contact the diaphragm when the casing cap
screws (key 5) are tightened. Secure the upper
diaphragm casing with the cap screws and hex
nuts (keys 5 and 6) in a criss-cross pattern to the
torques shown in table 10. Be sure the warning
nameplate is in place on the casing.
3. If the bearing (key 67) was removed, press in the
new bearing. The end of the bearing should be flush
with the outside of the mounting bracket or mounting
plate (key 22).
4. For an actuator with an
H mounting
install the output shaft (key 87) through the mounting
plate (key 22) and secure it with the retaining ring
(key 88). Then, attach the mounting plate and output
shaft assembly to the actuator housing (key 20) with
the cap screws (key 23). Tighten the cap screws to
the appropriate torque value listed in table 10.
5. For an actuator with a
J mounting
refer to figures 12 and 13. Install the output shaft
(key 87) with attached coupling (key 90) through the
mounting bracket (key 22) and secure it with the
retaining ring (key 88). Attach the mounting bracket
and output shaft assembly to the actuator housing
(key 20) with the cap screws (key 23). Tighten the
cap screws to the appropriate torque value listed in
table 10.
6. For an actuator with a
J mounting
and a
50.8 mm (2-inch) output shaft
, refer to
figure 14. Install the output shaft (key 87) with
attached coupling (key 90) through the mounting
plate (key 22) and secure it with the retaining ring
(key 88). Attach the mounting plate and output shaft
assembly to the actuator housing with the cap
screws (key 23). Tighten the cap screws to the
appropriate torque value listed in table 10.
7. Apply lithium grease (key 76) to the output shaft
splines. Then, align the lever (key 27) and output
shaft so that the marking that was made in step 6
or 7 of the Disassembly procedure is oriented
correctly. Slide the lever into place. When installing
the lever, align the bolt holes in the lever as close as
possible with the hole in the rod end bearing
(key 17). Temporarily rotate the lever and output
shaft until the rod end bearing no longer interferes
with further installation of the lever. Then, slide the
lever as far as it can go onto the output shaft.
8. Clamp the lever to the output shaft with the cap
screw (key 28). Tighten the cap screw to the torque
value listed in table 10.
9. For Type 1052 actuators, complete the Initial
Compression portion of the Adjustment section
before proceeding.
10. Rotate the lever (key 27) to align with the rod
end bearing (key 17). This connection can be aided
by stroking the actuator off its up travel stop with a
regulated air source.