To preserve the life of each charge always set off and climb hills using 1:1
pedal assist rather than the twist throttle.
2.3 Do not expose the bicycle or battery package to fire, extreme heat sources or
alkaline substances.
2.4 When leaving your bicycle during hot weather always try to leave in a shaded
well ventilated area.
2.5 For best results always recharge the battery at room temperature.
2.6 To maximize the life of the battery always leave it fully charged when not in
use and if possible recharge once every 4 weeks.
2.7 Before unloading the battery, first raise the saddle and unload the battery
using its handle.
Important notice
Worn out batteries should be disposed of properly or returned to us for a credit
against the cost of a replacement.
3. Recharging your battery
3.1 First connect the output connector plug with the battery, and then connect to
the mains. A red lamp on the charger indicates the battery is charging, when
this turns green the battery fully charged. Please disconnect from the mains
after charging. Always disconnect the charger from the mains before
disconnecting form the battery. It is possible that the battery will take up to 6
hours to charge on the first three charges.
3.2 When charging the battery always do so in a ventilated area.
3.3 Do not leave the charger connected to the mains when not in use.
4. Water and your electric bicycle
4.1 Your electric bicycle is rain and splash proof and can be used in all weathers.
4.2 The electrical components of the vehicle, such as motor, battery, and
controller, must not be submerged in water.