Dear Embrace
Embrace N0 Code
Dear Embrace
Thank you for choosing the Embrace No Code Blood Glucose Monitor-
ing System to help you manage your diabetes. We designed the Em-
brace No Code Blood Glucose Monitoring System to be accurate and
easy to use. The added convenience of the bi-lingual talking feature
can be used as a verbal aid for using the meter. This manual contains
all of the information needed to use and maintain your new blood glu-
cose meter. Please read it carefully before use.
Your Embrace No Code Blood Glucose Monitoring System provides an
easy and precise way to measure blood glucose using fresh capillary
whole blood taken from fingertips, palm, or forearm. The added con-
venience of auto-coding can help reduce the chance of inaccurate read-
ings caused by incorrect coding of the meter. Testing is done outside
the body (in vitro diagnostic use). The test results are plasma-cali-
brated for easy comparison to lab results. The Embrace No Code Blood
Glucose Monitoring System is a portable battery operated meter in-
tended for use as an aid by persons with diabetes and by health care
professionals to monitor glucose concentration in whole blood.
If you have questions or simply need more information, please call our
authorized representative by using the information printed on the box or
visit our website at www.omnishealth.com. Thank you again for choos-
ing the Embrace No Code Blood Glucose Monitoring System.