Size and footprint
2.4 Antenna positioning
The module must be installed on a PCB, keeping the area dedicated for the PIFA antenna
outside the PCB outline. In the following image is shown an example of installation:
Image 14
: Antenna positioning
2.5 Notes
The area underneath the module must be kept free of components (both top and
bottom layers) and must be covered with solder resist.
The PCB top layer underneath the module must be free of nets, power planes and
vias. The bottom layer shall provide a ground plane.
The power supply of the module must be as clean as possible; it must be decoupled
placing a ceramic capacitor as near as possible at the Vcc pins, additional filtering
made by a ferrite bead is recommended.
Noisy electronic components (such as switching power supply) must be placed as
far as possible and adequately decoupled.
The ground pins of the module shall be connected to a solid ground plane.
Keep antenna clear of metal parts of the casing or system.
Don't use metal enclosures to avoid RF signal degradation.
Taking no account this recommendations may affect the radio performances.
EMB-Z2538PA Datasheet (rev 1.4)
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