Note that the 0-Ohm resistors R15 and R16 have been implemented to offer a
disconnection possibility (freeing these dedicated PIO lines for other custom usage).
18 SD Card
The EB-SAM3U has an MMC/MMCPlus high-speed 8-bit multimedia interface. This
interface is used as a 4/8-bit interface, connected to an 8-bit SD/MMC card slot with card
19 Hardware Testing
Table 4.
Routine Introduction of EB-SAM3U Evaluation Board
Function Description
Turn on LED lights according pushing USR-LEFT of USR-RIGHT button.
DMA transfers datas from memory to memory working on Link List Mode.
In this experiment, PDC module (peripheral DMA controller) obtains serial data
from DBGU,stored in the data array, and finally displayed.
Send a message using USART. Display them through PC HyperTerminal.
You can also send data or files according PC HyperTerminal. USART can receive
them, display the transfer size per second and total transfer size.
You can control board working in four different power modes (Sleep Mode,
Active Mode, Wait Mode, Backup Mode) by pressing different keys according PC
HyperTerminal. You can also wakeup it by pushing USR-LEFT button when it
working in SLEEP MODE and WAIT MODE, by pushing FWUP button when it
working in BACKUP MODE.
Write in values to four corresponding backup registers. And then software reset
the entire processor and peripherals. At the next restart, display the value of the
four back-up registers in HyperTerminal,and compare them with the values writen
in previously. If there is no difference between them, LED(D2) will
blink,else,LED(D3) will blink.
You can set the pre-divider value, as well as the RTT alarm value in this
procedure. It will generate a alarm interrupt as soon as RTT counter reach the
value set previously.
This experiment can detect the RTC time and date, displaying the time the date,
setting time and date.
Let watchdog can genetate a interrupt when it’s counter value reach zero or there
is a error occurred according configuring its mode register. NOTE:don’t reset the
system. It will generate a interrupt if you haven’t re-set a appropriate value to the
corresponding regsiter before the cut-off time.
This procedure sets up PWM channel 0, channel 1 and channel 2. You can view
the output value of channel 0 according PA7 of PB0,view the output value of
channel 1 according PA9 or PB2. Positive pulses of Channel 0, Channel 1 and
Channel 2 are as the inputs of D2,D3 and D4(LED) respectively. You can also
configure the channel according the serial port .
This experiment tests ADC0 and ADC12B and show the voltage values from the
four-channel ADC pins. You can configure the values of GAIN,Bias
Current,Mode,and Sampel Offset.
To achieve the reading and writing,latches, GPNVM settings, and erase within
two FLASH.