Embest Technology
Copyright © 2012 Embest Technology BeagleBone-HDMI User Manual
mount: mounting /dev/root on / failed: Invalid argument
root: mount: mounting rootfs on / failed: No such file or directory
Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
Configuring network interfaces... udhcpc (v1.11.3) started
Sending discover...
udhcpc: sendto: Network is down
Sending discover...
udhcpc: sendto: Network is down
Sending discover...
udhcpc: sendto: Network is down
No lease, failing
INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
Starting syslogd/klogd: done
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The Angstrom Distribution BeagleBoneHDMI ttyO0
Angstrom 2008.1-test-20090127 BeagleBoneHDMI ttyO0
BeagleBoneHDMI login: (
Enter “root” to login
When the system finishes start-up process, please enter the word
the command prompt and press Enter to log into Linux.
4.1.2 Configuring HDMI Output
The HDMI output of the system is disabled by default. We need to execute
the command shown below to enable it manually;
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/da8xx_lcdc.0/hdmi_enable
The HyperTerminal window will show the following information: