LPC2478 Developer’s Kit - User’s Guide
Page 25
Copyright 2011 © Embedded Artists AB
Below is a sample text file for defining a slide show. It demonstrates how a typical slide show
presentation is created.
# Short sequence of images
load /slideshow/test/05.jpg 0
show 0 none
load /slideshow/test/29.jpg 1
load /slideshow/test/30.jpg 2
wait 1500
label 0
show 1 explode_v
wait 1500
show 2 left-right
wait 1500
show 0 blinds
wait 1500
goto 0
Some comments about the syntax of the text file:
Whitespaces at the beginning or end of a row are ignored.
Lines starting with the '#' sign are considered comments and are skipped.
There is a limit to a maximum of 80 commands in the slideshow file.
Each non-comment line must contain exactly one command.
No more than 40 images may be loaded at the same time.
The available commands are:
load <filename> <slot>
Loads the image file into memory in the specified slot.
The slot number is zero indexed and there are 40 slots.
Remember that each loaded image will occupy 230x320x3 bytes of RAM.
Clears the screen by setting all pixels white.
label <name>
Creates a label that can be referenced from goto commands.
The label does not have to appear before the first goto command that
references it. The name can be any string but it should not contain spaces
and it must be unique.
goto <label>
Causes a jump in the execution. The next command to be executed will be
the line immediately following the specified label command.
wait <milliseconds>
Causes a delay of the specified number of milliseconds before the next
command is executed. The load command can be executed without affecting
the wait time.