Buzzer 2Pin wire Buzzer
I2 Connector:Used for outer I2C communication equipment, such as OLED module.
Note: MINI version without
this connector.
SWD port: for software modification during software development period.
Note: MINI version without this
5Pin wire SWD
Micro-USB port: For firmware upgrade and configuration.
FSY connector: FrSky output
Connect this connector with transmit and ground from FrSky receiver telemetry port
(wire usually included with receiver, such as X4R and DR4II.)
Note: MINI version without this connector.
Status LED
Mode LED (Red): The LED will be on for the corresponding mode chosen.
Power LED (Blue): LED on when the board is power on.
[A]Withstand voltage 3.3VGPIO port
This pad connected with the STM32 PB5 pin. Can not be connected to 5V
voltage, otherwise it will burn the parts
Note: MINI version without such pads
[B]Withstand voltage 5VGPIO port, this pad connected with the STM32 PB5. Can be connected to 5V IO port.
Note: MINI version without such pads
[C]5V extented pad, this pad used for RC input & ESC connector, convenient for supply power for other 5v parts
Note: MINI version without such pads
[D]3.3V extented pad.It offer power supply for other low voltage parts,such as spectrum,satelite RC or bluetooth
Note: MINI version without such pads
Ground pad.when use 5V and 3.3V entended power for out parts,the out parts could occupy same space with
flight controller.
Note: MINI version without such pads
[F] 3.3V ADC input pad,it is connected with PA5 of STM32
Note: This pad with 3.3V,5V couldn’t be
connected.MINI version without such pads
Note:Right connection,avoid parts damage.