and (5), making sure that they are for the right (R
) and left (L
), sides, and
attach them to the frame using the four self-threading screws (6).
Insert the frame in the canvas cover (7) making sure it is correctly positioned
on the base perimeter. Hook the plastic profiles onto the frame tubes with the aid
of a screw-driver (8).
Insert the handle (9) into the holes of the canvas cover (10). Attach this to the
frame using the screws (11), following the indicated sequence, and then the self-
threading screws (12) at the rear.
Attach the stiffening bar (13) under the frame with screws and nuts (14) kee-
ping the flat part turned towards the canvas. Insert the emptying lever (15) in its
position and put in the limit stop screw (16) with its nut (17).
EN 13
3 (x 2)
6 (x 4)
11 (x 2)
12 (x 4)
14 (x 2)
16 - 17