pressure and rainfall. An important function in Calibration Mode is setting the time
and date. This mode can also be used to adjust the address of the indoor sensor to
be received, the wind transmitter and rainfall transmitter when necessary.
Access Calibration Mode by simultaneously pressing the buttons ‘<-’ + ‘Calibr.’ +
‘->’ . Then use the arrow buttons ‘<-’ and ‘->’ to select the relevant display field.
Adjusting the height compensation for barometric air pressure
After selecting the air pressure display field, press the ‘+’ or ‘-’ buttons, together
with ‘Fast’ if necessary, to enter the height above sea level of the installation site in
meters (a value between 0 and 1999 is possible). Heights in feet must first be con-
verted to meters using the factor 3.048. For example, if the air pressure sensor is at
a height of 1000 ft, the equation is 1000 : 3.048 = 328. Enter the value 328 as the
height compensation factor. The unit used in the display to indicate the pressure
has no effect on the height compensation of the barometric air pressure.
After pressing the ‘Store’ button, the values set are stored and the display returns
to normal operation.
Rainfall transmitter compensation
The rainfall measuring system leaves the factory in a very accurate state so
that readjustment should not normally be necessary.
A compensation is only necessary where an extremely high degree of accura-
cy is required.
Before beginning with the rainfall transmitter compensation, proceed according to
Section 3.3. ‘Rainfall’ with the display in normal operation to reset any accumula-
ted rainfall quantity to zero.
Thenpour exactly 0.1 gallons of water, very slowly, into the funnel of the rainfall
Pouring too quickly falsifies the measuring results. Pour the water so slowly
that no water remains in the funnel at any time.
The diameter of the funnel is 51.18 in., i.e. has a surface area of 0.206 sq. in., the
setpoint value of 0.1 gallons poured in must produce a rainfall total of 11.24 ins.
When the water has completely run through the funnel, the actual value in the
display should ideally read 11.24 in.
The ratio of setpoint value to actual value defines the calibration factor. However,
since a calibration factor has already been entered earlier, this must be taken into
account in the calculation.
New calibration factor:
Setpoint value (e.g. 11.24) x old calibration factor
Actual value (display value after filling the water
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