ESR service routers. ESR-Series. Functionality description. Version 1.12.0
esr(config)# sip profile
Configure a primary SIP proxy server and registration server:
esr(config-sip-profile)# proxy primary
Configure SIP proxy server address (use an embedded SIP server as SIP proxy server):
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# ip address proxy-server
Configure a SIP proxy server port:
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# ip port proxy-server
If standard 5060 port is used, you do not need to specify it.
If it is necessary to use the registration, you should perform the following steps:
Configure registration server address (use an embedded SIP server as registration server):
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# ip address registration-server
Configure a registration server port:
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# ip port registration-server
If standard 5060 port is used, you do not need to specify it.
Enable registration:
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# registration
Enable proxy server and registration server:
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# enable
This completes the configuration of SIP proxy server and registration server:
esr(config-voip-sip-proxy)# exit
The next step is to continue SIP profile configuration.
Configure a SIP domain:
If the embedded SIP server is used as SIP proxy and registration server, you should perform its
configuration according to the manual «SIP server configuration on ESR series routers: ESR: ESR-12V,
ESR-12VF, ESR-14VF».