4 Operating From a Personal Computer
Operation Guide Flatpack MCU,
351300.013, v8-2006-07
Modem Init. string
shows the initiating string for the specific modem in use (max. 40 characters).
The Flatpack
MCU automatically places the commands E0, V0 and Q0 in the initialization string
. It is essential that the modem
is set to ignore DTR, and DCD must correspond to the state of the carrier. The initiating string for the Westermo
Industrial Modem is the default setup, as shown above.
Phone number #1 - #3
shows the phone numbers the Flatpack MCU will call, in order of preference (max. 20
characters). It is recommended to fill all the phone number slots. If you just have two different phone numbers, the
third option should be filled with the most preferable phone number. Number 2 and 3 will only be used if the
system has problems with the first number.
The modem dialing command (ATDT) must precede the phone number,
e.g. ATDT12345678.
Site ID message
identifies the specific site (max. 40 characters), e.g. «MODEM MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM».
This string will always be attached to any calls from this alarm module.
Starting time for first automatic call
from the Flatpack MCU is indicated by entering the time of the first
automatic call «HH:MM». The message «AUTOMATIC CALL» is displayed in intervals, as specified above.
Connect time (sec.)
is the time before hanging up, after the message has been sent. This is because one
message/alarm is often followed by another message/alarm.
Report interval (hours)
If you want the
Flatpack MCU
to generate automatic calls:
Enter the intervals, in hours, between automatic calls from the Flatpack MCU. If «0» is entered, the function
will be disabled. The function is intended for surveillance of the communication link.
A display showing the connection between the PC and the modem will appear on the right-hand side of the
Modem Callback
interface. Alarm
The alarm is programmed via the alarm setup menu. Configure the outputs and choose «MODEM» for the alarms that
activate the modem callback. The Flatpack MCU will initiate a call, if any of the alarms that are set to activate the
modem are triggered. Calling
DC Rectifier system
When you call up the system and the modem callback is enabled, the Flatpack MCU will reply that it will
call back. The Flatpack MCU will call the first phone number in the list of three numbers and will attempt to
establish a connection three times before trying the next number, and so on.
To configure the alarm module when modem callback is disabled at the MCU, press ALT-P in Winpower Silver’s Site
pressing the modem Connect button. A password dialog will pop up. Type 0 for password and the
following information will appear:
WinPower Silver
will communicate with the system like a direct connection. You will then be able
to configure your system (enable modem callback, etc.).
If the direct connection fails, the system may have been in the initialization mode and not ready for direct
connection. The system will leave this state soon, so if the user waits for about one minute, the system
should be ready for an incoming call.
Automatic call
The Flatpack MCU will call at the specified time and interval as stated in the modem setup menu. The message
«AUTOMATIC CALL» will be displayed.