= Teach in scene pushbutton and
Direction pushbuttons will be automa-
tically taught-in completely: the side
where to push is defi ned as 'UP', the
other side as 'DOWN'.
Central control pushbuttons will be
automatically taught-in completely:
'UP' is at the top (O) and 'DOWN' is at
the bottom (I).
Scene pushbuttons (double rocker) are
taught-in in fully automatic mode.
Before operation, the scenes are saved
there, if required individually, as
described below.
If necessary teach- in the upper or
lower button for other pushbuttons.
Either a FAH60 or FWS61 can be
On FWS61 no teach-in function need
be carried out.
2. Set the middle rotary switch to LRN.
The LED fl ashes at a low rate.
3. Operate the sensor to be taught-in.
The LED goes out.
To teach-in further sensors, turn the middle
rotary switch briefl y away from position
LRN. Continue the procedure from pos 1.
You can teach in unencrypted and
encrypted sensors.
Teach in encrypted sensors:
1. Set the middle rotary switch to LRV.
The red LED fl ashes at a high rate.
2. Within 120 seconds, enable sensor
encryption. The red LED goes out.
Caution: Do not switch off the power
3. Then teach in the encrypted sensor as
described in 'Teaching-in sensors'.
To teach in other encrypted sensors, turn
the middle rotary switch briefl y away
from position LRV and then turn it to 1.
With encrypted sensors, use the 'rolling
code', i.e. the code changes in each tele-
gram, both in the transmitter and in the
If a sensor sends more than 50 telegrams
when the actuator is not enabled, the
sensor is no longer recognised by the
enabled actuator and you must repeat
teach-in as 'encrypted sensor'. It is not
necessary to repeat the function teach-in.
Teaching-in shading scenes:
The following scenes are saved in scene
push buttons that are taught-in in fully
automatic mode, as described above.
1 = No function; 2 = Raise fully; 3 = No
function, and 4 = Lower fully.
Scenes 1 and 3 may have to be taught-in
separately. Scenes 2 and 4 may also be
changed separately. However, this is not
advisable if the right-hand rocker is pro-
grammed to be used as a normal up/
down shutter pushbutton or an FAH60
was taught-in.
Individual teaching-in:
Start 'Down' from the top end position
with an already taught-in universal or
direction switch.
The point of time of repressing the push-
button then determines the function
which can
be taught-in in the scene
a) Press the pushbutton immediately to
cancel another function that is saved.
b) Press the pushbutton after approx. 1s
to trigger the standard function 'Up'.
c) Press the pushbutton after more than
2s, but shorter than the RV time setting
to trigger the function 'Stop after this
time' for shading purposes.
d) Do not press pushbutton any more
and wait until the RV time has
expired. This triggers the standard
function 'Down'.
Then teach in the scene pushbutton:
Press the required double rocker end for
approx. 3s but not longer than 5 s. Then
open the shading element fully by press-
ing the universal or direction pushbutton
and continue as described above for other
Wireless weather data transmitter
module FWS61:
When an FWS61 is taught-in, data from
the Multisensor MS are converted by the
FSB71 into switch commands (roller
shutter moves to a specific position) via
Wind: the roller shutter moves up;
Frost: the roller shutter moves down;
Rain: the roller shutter moves up;
Sun: the selected shading scene is called
Twilight: the selected shading scene is
called up;
Switch on repeater:
The repeater is switched off in the factory
setting. In deenergised state, turn the
middle rotary switch to CLR and the lower
rotary switch to left stop (turn anticlock-
wise). Switch on the power supply. The
red LED lights up to two seconds. The
repeater is switched on.
Switch off repeater:
In deenergised state, turn the middle
rotary switch to CLR and the lower rotary
switch to right stop (turn clockwise).
Switch on the power supply. The red LED
lights up to 0.5 seconds. The repeater is
switched off.
Switch-on confi rmation telegrams:
For deliveries ex-works the confi rmation
telegrams are switched-off. Set the middle
rotary switch to CLR. The red LED fl ashes
nervously. Now within 10 seconds turn
the upper rotary switch 3 times to the left
(anticlockwise) and then back away. The
red LED goes out and the green LED
lights up for 2 seconds. The confi rmation
telegrams are switched-on.
Switch-off confi rmation telegrams:
Set the middle rotary switch to CLR.
The LED fl ashes nervously. Now within
10 seconds turn the upper rotary switch
3 times to the left (anticlockwise) and
then back away. The red LED goes out
immediately. The confi rmation telegrams
are switched-off.
Use the data transformer DAT71 to create
a link to a PC running the PCT14 soft-
Confi gure FSB71:
The following points can be confi gured
using the PC PCT14 tool:
Teach in buttons and wireless Hoppe
window handles with single or double
Behaviour with central commands
Lock-out protection
Runtimes for shading scenes
Parameters for operating with FAH60
Parameters for operation of FWS61