V1.1 | ELSETA | Introduction
1. Introduction
IOMOD 16DI is small sized stand-alone Modbus (RTU) or
IEC 60870-5-103
digital input controller.
IOMOD is used for industrial applications, where digital signaling is used and robust communication
is needed. IOMOD is ideal solution for applications such as data acquisition, observation, process
monitoring, testing and measurement at remote places. It is controlled over Modbus or
IEC 60870-
protocol, and can be used with any SCADA system.
2. Features
16 digital inputs with configurable active signal polarity, or input inversion; Pulse count and ON
time count
Galvanically isolated inputs
Configurable over USB
Drag And Drop firmware upgrade over USB
RS485 communication
LED input indications, + Data transmission (Rx and Tx) indication.
Small sized case with removable front panel
DIN rail mount
Operating temperature: from -30 to
Power Requirements: 12-24 VDC
3. Device working information
IOMOD 16DI uses Modbus (RTU) or
IEC 60870-5-103
protocol over RS485 interface. Protocol used by
device can be changed by uploading corresponding firmware. Default communication settings are: 9600
baudrate, 8N1, Slave address - 1.
a. MODBUS working information
To read all input status, send 02 Modbus command (Read Discrete Inputs) with resolution of first register
(0) and size of 16. Returned value will show 16 input states.
To read all input registers, send 04 Modbus command (Read input registers) with resolution of first
register (0) and size of 48. Returned data will show pulse count (first register) and ON time (2
and 3
registers) for each input
– pulse count of input #2 will be at register 4
, and so on. ON time will be shown
as seconds. ON time and pulse count will increase when input pulse is longer than Filter time, which is
configured by user in USB terminal menu. Shorter pulses will be ignored in both pulse and ON time
To invert input states by software, configure device over USB terminal. Useable Modbus commands
shown in table below.