Centrifuge-Mixer CM-50MP
Fully programmed both Mix-
ing and RPM part of a step .
This step will do 12 second
mixing with a level 9 speed
and then do 30 sec spin down
with 12500 RPM speed .
This step has both parts dis-
activated “Off” and will appear
on a main screen as a grey cell
with grey number “Empty” .
Programm will just skip this
step .
This step is programmed to
do only the spin down and
skip the mixing part . It will do
30 sec spin down with 12500
RPM speed . Same way you
can disable the spin down
part and do only the Mixing .
Operating fugamix in “Miniprep” mode Understanding the interface
Examples of different steps:
Miniprep plasmid DNA extraction mode is a se-
quence of preprogrammed steps that follow the
standard protocol .
Understanding the color code for program steps.
F3 Yellow field: selection marker. This step is
currently selected for execution .
Grey field, grey letters: this step is empty and
is not in use for this protocol .
Grey field, white letters: this step is not yet
executed .
F2 Grey field, black letters: this step has already
been executed
Every step has two parts :
Mixer: Preset speed vortexing
RPM: Spin down with an preset speed .