Elmes Electronic 11.2014
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ground and actuate transmission by disconnecting one of the in-
puts (as in example 3) respective to required control channels.
e) Slow blinking LED in the receiver indicates end of the procedure.
1. Learning control button 4 (green) of four channel keyfob transmit-
ter CH4H to output channel 8 of CH20H receiver would automati-
cally learn the remaining keyfob control buttons 1, 2 & 3 to chan-
nels 5, 6 & 7 of the receiver.
2. Learning wireless motion detector PTX50 to output channel 3 of
CH20H receiver results by motion detection signaled in channel 3
while detector’s sabotage case opening signaled in channel 20.
3. Learning transmitter RP501 inputs 1 & 2 to CH20H receiver out-
put channels 11 & 12 respectively, output channel 12 should be se-
lected (as in pt. 1b above) in the receiver and input 2 of the trans-
mitter should be actuated (decoupled). As result inputs 1 & 2 of
RP501 transmitter would control outputs 11 & 12 of CH20H receiv-
er. Inputs 3 & 4 of the transmitter are not used.
2. Programming receiver
’s any output channel/s momentary set
on time (monostable mode).
a) Press & hold receiver's PRG
switch (longer than 2 and less than 8
seconds) until LED sets on.
b) Shortly pressing the PRG switch select required channel for pro-
gramming momentary
output’s set on time.
c) Shortly press the LBC switch and the LED sets off.
d) Shortly press PRG switch again, the LED sets on and the count of
output momentary set on time starts. When desired set on time has
lapsed (up to 4 hours) press the PRG switch again. End of correctly
performed procedure is indicated by blinking LED.
3. Programming
receiver’s any output channel/s on/off operating
mode (latched - bistable mode).
a) Repeat programming steps 2a, 2b & 2c as above.
b) Shortly press PRG switch three times with less than two seconds
intervals. End of correctly performed procedure is indicated by
blinking LED.
4. Deleting all transmitters from receiver's memory.
Press receiver's PRG
switch until programming LED starts blinking
(longer than 8 seconds) and then release the switch. Receiver
memory is cleared but the output channels' programmed modes of
operation remain unchanged. To learn new transmitter(s) follow
procedure pt. 1 above.
5. Deleting
single transmitter from receiver’s memory.
Except for RP501 transmitter, it is possible to delete any other sin-
gle transmitter (key fob or wireless detector)
from receiver’s
memory under condition that the transmitter to be deleted is in our
possession. This procedure requires performing steps a, b & c of
learning procedure pt.1 above, with two succeeding transmissions
at step 1.d to be performed in the following way: first transmission
must be sent from the transmitter to be deleted and second trans-
mission from any other transmitter (e.g. by pressing other button in
multi channel hand held transmitters). Receiver’s LED blinking red
will indicate programming error
– in this case meaning that the
transmitter is deleted. The receiver will not respond any more to
signals sent from deleted transmitter.
programming errors are indicated by fast blinking PRG LED. If
no programming steps are made for more than 16s, the receiver sets
off programming mode.
power supply 11 to 15VDC (nominal 12VDC);
current draw: 35mA plus 23mA on every relay set on, 500mA max;
20 channel relay NC or NO outputs rated 1A/24VDC, 0,5A/125VDC
each channel output state LED indication;
open collector signaling ou
tput “S” rated 1A/60VDC max.;
super heterodyne 433,92MHz band receiver;
up to 60 code hopping transmitters (wireless detectors and key
fobs) memory;
receiver’s box anti-sabotage switch (TAMPER);
strictly indoor installation;
operation within ambient temperatures: -20 to +55
operating range depending on installation environment and type of
used transmitter.
ELMES ELECTRONIC, 54-611 Wroclaw, Poland, ul. Avicenny 2,
tel. (+48)717845961, fax (+48)717845963
nufacturer’s Limited Warranty
his product carries two years manufacturer’s warranty as from the
date of purchase. The warranty is limited to the replacement of faulty
original parts or repair defects of improper manufacture. Damage, faulty
use or improper handling by the user or installer as well as any chang-
es in product’s hardware or software caused by the user violets the
warranty and all due repair costs will be charged. Elmes Electronic
shall not bear liability for any personal or material damage resulting
from any of its products direct, indirect or partial failure to operate
Manufacturer: Elmes Elektronik
declares under sole responsibility that product:
complies with essential requirements of the following directives:
1999/5/EC Telecommunication Directive (R&TTE),
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC),
2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive (LVD),
and applied harmonized standards, in particular:
EN 60950-1:2006 - electric safety,
EN 61000-6-1:2007 EMC - immunity,
EN 61000-6-3:2007 EMC - emission,
EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04) EMC – radio devices,
EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1 (2002-08) EMC - short range devices (SRD),
EN 300 220-1 V2.3.1 (2010-02) EMC – radio requirements (ERM)
ELMES ELEKTRONIK, ul. Avicenny 2, 54-611 Wrocław, Poland
tel (+48)717845961, fax: (+48)717845963
Signature: ............................................
Director: Mirosław Bińkowski
Date: 2014-11-27
This product has been manufactured in lead free technology.
IMPORTANT! The use of above symbol indicates that this
product should not be treated as household waste. By ensur-
ing this product is disposed of correctly you will protect the
environment. For detailed information about recycling of this
product, please contact your local authority, your household
waste disposal service provider or organization the product
has been purchased from.