VBRTV492 is an electronic delay-off and delay-on timer module which is to be used together with
a traditional mechanical ON/OFF switch and enable it to have automatic delay-off as well as delay-
on timer function. Designed for easy installation and retrofit, it directly sits behind the traditional
ventilation fan switch panel. It has wide applications at various locations such as kitchen, hotels,
washing room, etc.
1. Wiring according to the diagram. Please wait for 3 seconds for initialization. (Caution: The lamp
load must be connected to the circuit, otherwise the fan cannot work normally.)
2. When you tum on the wall switch, the light will come on while the ventilation fan will run at preset
delay on time. When you tum off the wall switch, the light will turn off instantly while the ventilation
fan will stop running at preset delay off time.
3 . Set the delay on and delay off for the ventilation fan:
Delay on : As shown in the figure on the right, rotate the
“Delay On” potentiometer by using a screw driver to roughly
adjust the delay-on time from 0 minutes to 5 minutes.
Adjust the potentiometer clockwise to increase the delay on
time, and the maximum delay on time is 5 minutes; Adjust
the potentiometer counterclockwise to decrease the delay
on time, and the minimum delay on time is 0 minutes.
Delay off : As shown in the figure on the right,adjust the
dip-switch to set different combinations of delay-off time
period and then rotate the “Delay Off” potentiometer to
roughly adjust your required delay off time from 0.1 second
to 90 minutes.
Rated Voltage: 220 ∼ 240V /50Hz
Maximum Load Power: 150W max
Operating Temperature:-10ºC ∼ 50ºC
Standby Power: ≤0.3W
Specification Parameters
Operational Guide
PO BOX 816, Hamilton 3240
4-8 Mainstreet Place
Hamilton 3200
+64 7 849 9119
0800 350 000
The 2 dip switches are used to set the delay off time to 4 settings based on
different combinations. Following diagram shows all the combination of the
dip switches. Each combination corresponds to a delay off setting range.
Dip-switch combination:
0.1s - 20s
1s - 75s
8s - 11min
1min - 90min