8393-H Installation/Operation/Maintenance
The maximum allowed reaction force for this monitor is 632 lbs. Use the friction loss for
the monitor (and stream shaper if used) together with the available pressure and flow from your
water supply to determine the pressure at the nozzle that you intend to use. Use one of the
reaction force formulae below to then determine that the reaction force of the nozzle does not
exceed 632 lbs. This monitor is designed for a maximum flow rate of 1250 GPM (US) and a
maximum inlet pressure of 200 psi.
Please refer to 8393-H assembly drawing on page 6.
1. Connect the hydrant elbow sub-
assembly (11) to the 2.5” hydrant discharge with the flange
parallel to the ground and tighten the swivel connection (5) just tight enough to hold the
elbow in place.
2. Attach the hydrant bracket (1) to the barrel of the hydrant using the appropriate size U-bolt,
8” (2) or 10” (4). Place one nut on each side of the U-bolt, position the bracket as shown
and tighten each nut hand tight.
3. Attach the support bracket (10) to the hydrant bracket (1) using the 2 bolts provided (3).
Tighten finger tight.
4. Position the bracket assembly under the elbow (11) so the pad on the bottom of the elbow
contacts the saddle of the support bracket (10) as described in figure 1. Tighten the nuts on
the large U-bolt enough to hold the bracket assembly in position.
Install the 3.5” U-bolt (9) over the elbow and down through the holes in the support bracket
(10) saddle. Install one nut on each side. Tighten both nuts alternately and equally until both
are snug. Compare with figures 1 & 2 to make sure the fit between the elbow pad and the
support bracket saddle is correct.
98055000 (Rev-E)
NR = 0.0505 Q
NR = Nozzle Reaction (Pounds)
Q = Flow (US GPM)
P = Nozzle Pressure (PSI at base of nozzle)
NR = 1.5 d
= Nozzle Reaction (Pounds)
= Nozzle Diameter (Inches)
= Nozzle (Pitot) Pressure (PSI)