Rev. 03/28/17
Limit switch adjustment instructions for
CineTension B
NOTE: Elite Screens does not recommend making unnecessary adjustments to the screen, as improper
adjustments will damage the unit and may void your warranty.
For safety reasons, never disassemble the limit switch.
The upper and lower limit switches are located in the right end of the screen housing when facing the screen.
Please refer to the fig. below to locate the upper and lower limit switches.
When turning the limit switches, bear in mind that a full‐circle turn in either direction will create a one
inch adjustment.
If you over adjust the rise position
, the screen will attempt to go further into the case and cause it jitter
and bounce.
If you over adjust the drop position
, the screen will begin to reverse itself back up.
Reversing the adjustments should bring the screen back to normal operation
White = DROP
Yellow = RISE
The white limit switch is
accessed where the screen is
The yellow limit switch can only
be accessed through the hole
located at the bottom right end
of the screen.