a. s.
Design, Assembly and Service Manual
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Ultrasonic flow meter SONOELIS SE404X,
a. s., Lucni 15, P. O. BOX 126, 304
26 Plzen, Czech Republic, Phone: +420/377517711, fax: +420/377517722
7.3.1. Data display mode
The flow meter in full configuration can measure and evaluate any of the 20 physical quantities listed in section
7.2.2 above. In the data display mode, any of the measured quantities can be displayed. The display format is as
Line 1 – name of the measured quantity in the selected language (Czech, English, German, Spanish, Italian or
Line 2 – the measured value in the selected unit system.
Upon switching the power on, the system activates the data display mode whereby the measured value of the
pre-selected (“initial”) physical quantity is displayed. Each of the 20 physical quantities available can be selected
as the initial one.
If the operator depresses push-button T1, another measured quantity will be displayed (the next on the list in
section 7.2.2). Then, unless T1 is depressed again within 5 minutes, the initial quantity will be displayed again.
To leave the Data Display Mode for the Parameter Setting Mode, depress push-button T4 (see Fig. 7.3.2, page
31). Select the desired operating mode (function block) by push-button T1 and confirm the selection by
depressing T4 again. Volume flow rate
The value of the measured volume flow rate is displayed as a 3- or 4-digit number (this is determined by the
manufacturer with respect to the meter application). Provided the flow meter has been set for measurements in
both directions of flow, the sign before the reading indicates the flow direction (“+” for the flow direction shown by
the arrow sign on the meter body, “-“ for the opposite direction). Relative volume flow rate
The displayed reading shows the ratio (in per cent) of the measured volume flow rate to the specified maximum
volume flow rate. Mass flow rate
The mass flow rate can be measured and the measured data displayed only on condition that the meter
configuration includes a thermometer and that the fluid density vs. temperature characteristic is known. For more
technical details of the readings see the comments to section above. If a thermometer is not installed, the
mass flow rate function block is skipped when selected by push-button T1. Relative mass flow rate
See the comments to section above concerning the relative volume flow rate. Volume
The aggregate fluid volume passed through the flow sensor during the measurement period, i.e. from the
moment the volume data were reset by the reset push-button on the meter, or since the measurement start
command from the superordinated control system was received via the RS 485 communication line, or since the
data-resetting command was actuated using the T push-buttons as described in section below. The
displayed value can have up to 7 digits; higher readings are shown in the form of products of real numbers and
appropriate powers of 10 (the “E” format). The reading sensitivity is 0.01 l, the maximum reading is 2.8.10
. In
the case of bi-directional measurement, the aggregate volume reading is the difference between the volume
passed in the positive and the negative direction of the fluid flow. The displayed value includes the polarity sign.
Applicable only in the case of bi-directional measurement. The reading represents the aggregate fluid volume
passed in the positive flow direction (see the arrow on the meter body). The reading format and the range of the
measured values are as described in section above. Volume -
See section, for the reverse flow direction. Mass
See section, for the aggregate mass of the fluid passed through the flow sensor. The reading sensitivity
is 0.01 kg.