Version: 7. Oktober 2018 12:40
Page 14 of 25
Fuel Saving mode with generator
In the “Fuel Saving” mode the controller automat
ically determines the optimum production point of
the solar system to archive maximum savings for the Diesel. Further the controller ensures that the
generator will not be running under the minimum load specified by the engine manufacturer.
The controller accepts two different setpoints which can be selected with digital input 1 (pin 4).
When the digital input 1 is open, the controller uses the grid setpoint.
Before starting with the commissioning of the HYBRID controller all safety precautions must be taken
which apply to the rules in your country and general safety rules. Never work on a system with a
running generator and short the output of the generator before working on the power system.
Only a few settings are needed to commissioning the HYBRID system. Most important is the settings
of the current transformer and the setpoints for grid mode and Fuel Saving mode.
4.1 First time power on
Follow the following steps when the system is first time being powered.
When using TCP for communication, all components needs to have static IP settings.
Switch off the PV inverter, disconnect the PV inverter from the system and start the
controller by applying power to L1 and N in case you use a single-phase system or L1, L2 and
L3 with N for three phase systems. When the HYBRID controller is working properly, the LED
is blinking green.
Connect to the embedded webserver by typing the default address in a web
On the Menu select Settings to adjust the CT ratio. The CT ratio is defined as 1: value. For
example, when you have a CT 5:200 the value is 40.
When the CT ratio is changed the power readings on the overview page should match the
actual power. More detailed information can be obtained with
A positive value is consumption from the grid, a negative value means exporting to the grid.
When this is not correct, check the wiring of K and L of the CT.
Switch on the DC side of the PV system to commission the PV inverters. The steps to add an
inverter to the system is explained on page 15.