AVCHD Capture
How can I use Turbo.264 HD to capture AVCHD?
AVCHD cameras create one clip for each recording
session. A full camera hard drive generally contains
10-100 source files.
Turbo.264 HD features an
Add Camcorder
button in
the main window that appears when an AVCHD
camera is detected to your Mac. This button only
will show up if the main window is empty.
If there are multiple cameras, the button turns into a
popup listing all camera volumes.
Adding a camcorder to Turbo.264 HD creates
multiple clips in the main window.
You can also use the
Add Camcorder
option from
How can I get other video from my camera?
If your camera can capture non-AVCHD video in
small clips, perhaps in an AVI container, then Turbo.
264 HD may be able to capture it.
When you use the
Add Camcorder
button, any other
video files that may be accessible will appear as an
option. Turbo.264 HD can read many standard hard
drive formats, and can also recognize cards or
images that may be mounted on your Mac.
How can I combine multiple AVCHD clips?
Multiple clips can be chained together to encode
one movie. Each clip is a chapter in the resulting
QuickTime movie.
There is a switch at the bottom of the main window
to create multiple movies or a single movie. Moving
Turbo.264 HD Manual