SPOT V2I6 Manual.docx
1.4. System Handling, Mounting and Heatsinking
It must be appreciated that any solid state laser system, especially the laser
head, is a sensitive piece of scientific equipment. Whilst every effort has been
made to provide a product that is rugged and reliable it is essential that the
laser head is handled with care – especially when mounting. Do not drop or
subject the head to impact shock such as placing it down hard on a surface.
1.5. Basic Operation
The SPOT series Diode Pumped Laser Systems are designed for simple, user-friendly
control with the minimum of user defined parameters. SPOT lasers are designed as
fixed power level devices under automatic operation, or power can be varied by
adjusting the pump diode current via RS232 interface. The power drawn from the AC
mains is less than 200 VA (typically approx. 50 VA). The laser head incorporates
laser diode protection circuitry and therefore the laser diode is protected even when
disconnected from the laser power supply. However, Elforlight recommend the
observance of full anti-static precautions during connection and disconnection of
the system sub-units. Please contact Elforlight for recommended anti-static
Connect the laser head to the power supply unit using the 37 way ‘D’ connector
socket on the rear of the power supply. Be sure that the cable is kept away from the
laser beam path. Ensure the external interlock connector is in place in the socket
on the PSU rear panel. Ensure that the external interlock circuit is closed, either by
use of the supplied shorted connector (temporarily for test only), or via a user-
supplied door or enclosure protection circuit. This interlock should be incorporated
into an area or enclosure interlock system. Please contact Elforlight for advice
regarding suitable interlock arrangements.
Either connect a user supplied TTL trigger signal to the Trigger BNC connector on
the laser head or connect a BNC cable from the PSU rear panel “trigger out” BNC
connector to the laser head “Trigger” BNC to run on the internal trigger. In the latter
case, select the desired operating frequency using the front panel switch: 1,5,10, or
25 kHz.
These values are approximate and provided for the convenience of the user. It is
anticipated that in most applications the SPOT laser will be externally triggered.
Connect the mains cable to the rear panel socket. Apply power, switch on the rear
panel rocker switch integral with the mains inlet, and turn the key switch to the ON