Enter the menu
code )
Individual settings
(confirm with „
” )
Electric lock unlocking
(confirm with „
” )
Entry code usage confirmation
(confirm with „ ” )
Select flat number
(confirm with „ ” )
Message informing about current setting appears (ENB or DIS), to change, press
„ ”
Message appears „SWITCH TO”, and using the arrows (up or down) select the required setting and
confirm with ”.
Screen “SAVE?” appears, using the arrows (up or down) it's possible to select “SAVE FOR ALL USERS”
or “SAVE FOR GROUP...” option and next to accept press „
Wrong code usage confirmation
Signals in the selected handset using a sound that erroneous unlocking code was used.
Enter the menu
code )
Individual settings
(confirm with „
” )
Electric lock unlocking
(confirm with „
” )
Wrong code usage confirmation
(confirm with „
” )
Select flat number
and confirm with
Message informing about current setting appears (ENB or DIS), to change, press
„ ”
Message appears „SWITCH TO”, and using the arrows (up or down) select the required setting and
confirm with ”.
Screen “SAVE?” appears, using the arrows (up or down) it's possible to select “SAVE FOR ALL USERS”
or “SAVE FOR GROUP...” option and next to accept press „
Relay activation
(see electric lock unlocking)
If the
Synchronize with lock
mode is not activated in the general settings, then the following settings are
active. In other case, change of these options is blocked.
Unlocking from handset
Unlocking by secondary button
Unlocking by RF tag
Unlocking by code
RFID tag usage confirmation
Entry code usage confirmation
Wrong code usage confirmation
Enabling the option
Unlocking by secondary button
makes possible to activate the embedded relay by gate
button on the OP-VM videomonitor or secondary button on TK-7 OP2 handset. After selecting ENB, pressing
the gate unlocking button on the videomonitor or secondary button on TK-7 OP2 handset during picked up
dialling, activates the panel relay (NO CON outputs).
Entry code
Changing the electric lock unlocking code for the number, user must enter current code, fitter does not.