EM3028B / EM3028B-R / EM3028B-X User’s Manual - Page 2 of 8
Parallel Interface - Trigger Modes
The Trigger Mode defines how the playback is to be triggered via
the Parallel Interface which has 8 inputs labeled T1 through T8. All
inputs are internally connected to +5V through 10K resistors. If left
unconnected, an input is at +5V (logic “1”). These Trigger Modes
do not apply when the system is controlled via the Serial Port.
Direct Trigger (default)
In this mode each input directly triggers a corresponding file: T1 =
File 001, T2 = File 002, ......, T8 = File 008.
A trigger is valid when the input is shorted to the ground for at least
50 ms. The Direct Trigger is prioritized from T1 (the highest) to T8
(the lowest). However, it does not mean a higher priority input can
interrupt a lower one. It only means that if multiple triggers are
applied at the same time, the highest priority wins.
Binary Trigger
Use the Binary Trigger to trigger up to 128 different files ranging
from 001 to 128. The Binary Trigger is often preferred when the
system is controlled by an external controller because it requires
less I/O ports in most cases.
To trigger a particular file, the first step is to signal the file number
on T1 (LSB) ~ T7 (MSB). The signal must be in the binary format
with +5V being logic “1”, and 0V (the ground) being logic “0”. For
example, to signal File 007 (binary code “0000111”), T1 ~ T3 should
be at +5V, and T4 ~ T7 should be at 0V. Note that, as a special
case, the binary code for File 128 is “0000000”.
The second and the last step is to short T8 to the ground for at
least 50 ms while maintaining the signal on T1 ~ T7. Afterwards,
signals on T1 ~ T7 don’t matter any more.
Sequential Trigger
Use the Sequential Trigger to sequentially trigger up to 99 different
files per input as defined below. However, the total number of files
cannot exceed 512.
T1 triggers File 001 ~ 099
T2 triggers File 201 ~ 299
T8 triggers File 801 ~ 899
Each trigger on the same input activates the next file in the se-
quence. The sequence automatically restarts when either the end
of the sequence is reached or there is a break in the sequence.
For example, if there are only three files on the flash card: 001,
002, and 004, the system will only sequence from 001 to 002. File
004 will never be played because File 003 is missing.
The Sequential Trigger is prioritized from T1 (the highest) to T8
(the lowest). However, it does not mean a higher priority input can
interrupt a lower one. It only means that if multiple triggers are
applied at the same time, the highest priority wins.
Round-Robin Trigger
This mode is very similar to the Direct Trigger mode except that the
inputs are not prioritized. So if multiple inputs are tied to ground
then their files will be played one after another, instead of just the
highest priority one. Round-Robin mode can only be used in
conjuction with Non-interruptible Playback and Script Playback.
Parallel Interface - Playback Modes
The Playback Mode defines how the playback is to proceed. These
Playback Modes do not apply when the system is controlled via
the Serial Port.
Non-interruptible Playback (default)
The file is played once per trigger. The playback is not interruptible
except by the system reset. Looping is possible by applying a con-
stant trigger on the input.
Interruptible Playback
The file is played once per trigger if not interrupted. Any input (in-
cluding itself) can interrupt the playback later. Looping is possible
by applying a constant trigger on the input.
Holdable Playback
The file is played for as long as the input is triggered, looping if
necessary. It is not interruptible except by the system reset.
Script Playback
Please see the Script Playback Mode section for descriptions.
Positive Trigger Mode
Normally a parallel input is triggered when its voltage level is low
(0V). This can be reversed by setting the system to the Positive
Trigger mode in which the triggering voltage is 5V. Note that all
parallel inputs are internally pulled up to 5V, so unused inputs must
be tied to ground for this mode.
Relay Output
(EM3028B-R & EM3028B-X only)
The relays are controlled differently in different modes:
QWA mode (EM3028B-X only)
Relays are controlled in sync with audio playback. By using the
Windows based QWAplay program, cue data are embedded into
WAV files to generate QWA files. EM3028B-X automatically enters
the QWA mode when playing QWA files.
Serial Interface mode
Relays are controlled by serial commands. Please see the Serial
Commands section for descriptions.
All script modes: DS, BS, and RS
Relays are controlled by script commands. Please see the Script
Playback Mode section for descriptions.
All other modes
A relay will turn on when the corresponding file is being played.
Relay #1 corresponds to file #001, relay #2 corresponds to file
#002, and so on. For example, relay #8 will be turned on when file
#008 is being played.