MTC 6000
Risk of crushing
… indicates a risk or danger of injury as long as the equipment is in op-
Hot surface
… indicates a risk or danger of burns from hot surfaces.
Risk of slipping
… indicates a risk of slipping due to escaping water.
Risk of tripping
… indicates a risk of injury from tripping, stumbling or falling.
Tips and recommendations
…highlights useful tips and recommendations and information for effi-
cient and trouble-free operation.
Warnings for operating resistance welding equipment
When operating resistance welding equipment, the operator must ob-
serve the accident prevention regulations
BGV B11 (Electromagnetic Fields) and the BG rules BGR B11. The
power pack and cables of the welding gun and spot welding pliers gen-
erate a strong electromagnetic field during operation. Electromagnetic
fields can cause irritation to sensory organs, nerve and muscle cells and
malfunctions of medical aids (hearing aids, heart pacemakers, etc.) and
of electronic devices and data storage systems.
Transformer pliers:
Ensure the exposure limits of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC and the iden-
tical basic values of accident prevention regulation BGV B11 perpen-
dicularly to the pliers window are duly observed for distances of 20 cm.
Shorter distances may be necessary in some cases.
Only very low flux densities occur in the area of the welding cables at the
transformer pliers. The admissible values are not exceeded even at the
surface of the power supply cable package. Maintaining a distance of 1
cm between the cable package and your head or spine is recommend-
Furthermore, long lengths of cable along your spine should be avoided.
The distances here refer to the distance between the centre of the weld-
ing window and the head and spinal cord of the welder operator. In most
applications, this distance can be kept without the need for further
measures due to the operator's body dimensions. Any auxiliary persons
("2nd man") must also observe these distances.
Further information on dealing with magnetic fields:
Magnetic fields occur only during the welding process (current flow
Do not touch the electrodes with your head during the welding pro-
cess and do not put your head through the welding window.
Do not allow the welding cable to run along your spine.